Our Mission

Welcome to Earthing! We are so glad you discovered us and are curious to learn about grounding.
Our mission is to educate the world about the importance of reconnecting to the earth to restore and maintain our natural state of health. We conduct research, create awareness, and design and develop state of the art products that help restore our lost connection to the earth’s abundant ground energy.
As a company, we aim to restore the body’s natural ground state by syncing to the natural rhythms of the earth. We envision a future where everybody understands how essential it is to be connected to the earth in order to restore and maintain health. And we encourage you to learn more by watching the Earthing movie.
Please feel free to reach out to us at any time should you have any questions. Or, if you would like to learn more about the intricacies and science behind grounding, check out our FAQ.
Stay grounded!